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芜湖升跃运动衣厂(工商注册号:340202600147182)隶属于芜湖市川海商贸有限公司,已实现设计生产销售于一体。公司厂址位于高新区,靠近芜湖港,位置优越,出口方便。办事处位于芜湖市二环地带,靠近火车站,客运十分便利,欢迎来访考察。 本公司凭借在电子商务领域的专业水平和成熟的技术在该领域内迅速崛起。依靠创新求发展,公司摒弃了以往传统的商业模式,实现产供销一条龙,减少了产品在中间渠道的附加成本,最终让利于我们的消费者。公司在发展的过程中,不断与沪浙皖多个生产厂家以及供货商交流合作,,已形成互惠互利的固定合作关系,以期设计生产出更加符合我们的消费者满意的产品,且以骄人的销售业绩而享受了全面的价格优惠和技术支持,让我们的客户在享受优惠价格的同时也能真正满足自己的个性化需求。 川海员工奉行“海纳百川,有容乃大”方针,不断开拓创新,视质量为生命、奉顾客为上帝,竭诚为您提供性价比最高的产品及无微不至的售后服务。 Wuhu Chuanhai Trade Co., Ltd. (a limitededition Alibaba Member) is a traditional trade with other main clothing and bags, mainly in sales and network sales agents to realize the design manufacture sale of the integration of new trading company. Ring area is located in Wuhu City, near the railway station, passenger and freight all very convenient. Chuanhai staff adhere to the "Welcome to Wikipedia, tolerance is a big" approach, continuous innovation, quality of life, from customer to God, dedicated to provide you with the highest value for money products and attentive service.